According to a report released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners comprised just over a quarter (26% or 7,584) of the total prisoner population. The age standardised imprisonment rate for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners was 1,892 per 100,000 adult Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population. This was 14 times higher than non-Indigenous prisoners at 30 June 2010 and has increased by 3%. The average sentence length was less than non-Indigenous prisoners (3.7 years compared to 5.4 years). 

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males comprised 91% (6,927) of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoner population at 30 June 2010, similar to non-Indigenous males who accounted for 93% of the non-Indigenous prisoner population. The number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander male prisoners increased by 2% (144) while the number of non-Indigenous male prisoners increased by 1% (223) from 30 June 2009. The number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander female prisoners increased by 9% (52) from 30 June 2009, compared with a 3% (50) increase in the non-Indigenous female prisoner population.,+Australia?OpenDocument